March 17, 2022

First Anniversary of our Community Connections Program
On March 18, 2021 we connected individuals from historically underrepresented communities with those who design, market and build technology products through our first Community Connections event. Five African-American and Black parents of young children in the Atlanta suburb of Stockbridge, Georgia addressed over 100 employees of Microsoft through a virtual group panel and individual break out sessions.

Technology Study Partnership with Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
In September 2017, the United States Census published a chart that painted a grim picture of technology access and adoption by race. Compared to the White and Asian populations, the Black and Hispanic populations were significantly underrepresented.
This mimicked patterns in the qualitative and quantitative data within the Hispanic population that buildJUSTLY’s founders, Vicky Tamaru and Chewy Chong, discovered while working on the Microsoft Windows and Edge (OS and browser) products.

Tecnologia Para Empresarios
(TELEMUNDO ATLANTA).- La presidenta de la Cámara Hispana de Comercio de Georgia (GHCC), Verónica Maldonado Torres, informó de una iniciativa de su organización que llevará a pequeños y medianos empresarios del estado a obtener herramientas y educación tecnológica para hacer crecer sus negocios.
Luego de encontrar que en los hogares hispanos es más limitado el acceso a la tecnología y que aquellas familias que tienen un computador portátil o una tableta, además del teléfono celular, tienen la oportunidad de duplicar sus ingresos comparados a quienes solo tienen teléfono móvil, la GHCC impulsa una encuesta para medir el acceso a la tecnología.
El sondeo se realiza en una asociación que tiene la Cámara con la organización sin ánimos de lucro Build Justly, y busca “saber cómo está la comunidad y darle herramientas para desarrollar sus negocios”, según Maldonado Torres.
3 ways to get engaged right now
buildJUSTLY is fiscally sponsored by the Open Collective Foundation 501(c)(3). Your tax-deductible donation will help us ensure that technology is a bridge to basic human rights for every part of our diverse population.
Be a Leader
Use our Customer Diversity and Inclusion (CD&I) Index to measure and improve how your business, organization, or public policy serves our diverse population equitably.
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