Tech4all.biz is a resource made by small business owners to share business and technology tips and tricks with other small business owners.
All resources in Tech4all.biz are easily accessible by mobile and are completely free of charge thanks to financial support from the Washington State Microenterprise Association (WSMA). The platform stems from nearly a decade of research aimed at understanding the hurdles to technology adoption among disadvantaged populations across the United States.
We’ve attached a press release providing further details about buildJUSTLY and Tech4all.biz. Additionally, we’re offering full use of marketing and social media content you can use widely to share the resource with the communities that you serve.
Simply go to this Google Drive to find content that can be used directly in your newsletters, emails, and social media channels. We welcome your feedback and would love your support to share this resource with the small business owners that you work with.
We’d love your feedback and/or support.
Resource Links
- Tech4All.biz Marketing and Social Media Content: Tech4AllBiz – Google Drive
- Tech4All.Biz Press Release
- Have requests for additional resources? Fill out our content request form.